Getting started with Extramaterial (Student)

  • In this guide you will find instructions to help you create an account, free of charge, and to find additional resources (Extramaterial) that complement textbooks from Natur & Kultur. 

    Follow these steps:

    STEP 1: Create an account at Natur & Kultur

    STEP 2: Log in (start here if you already have an account)

    STEP 3: Find and add additional resources (Extramaterial) to your account 

    Please note that you can get our pages translated to several languages if you use Google Chrome and if you download the Google Translate app that automatically translates the text on the web page when you right-click. This is how the Create account and Log in pages look like when using Google Translate to English for example:

    Create_account.png    Sign_in.png


    STEP 1: Create an account at Natur & Kultur
    (go directly to STEP 2: Log in if you already have an account)

    1. Go to

    2. Click on Skapa konto to create an account.


    3. Fill in the form:

    • Förnamn = First name
    • Efternamn = Surname/Last name
    • E-post = Email address (your user name when logging in)
    • Lösenord = Password (min. 8 characters)
    • Tick the first box if you want to get email newsletters (in Swedish) from Natur & Kultur
    • Tick the second box to accept terms and conditions (villkoren)
    • Click on the button Skapa konto


    4. You will now need to verify your email. You will get a verification email with the subject: Verifiera din e-postadress. Click on the link in the email to verify your email adress: Verifiera din e-postadress här. This needs to be done within 24 hours from the receipt of the email. If you don't find the email, please check if you can find it in your junk mail.

    5. When you have verified you email address, you will be logged in to your account as an individual user, without connection to a school. 

    A) If you don't need to have a connection to your teacher, you are now ready with your account as an individual user (Privat).

    • You will see a question on your starting page asking if you want to connect to a school. Just click on Jag har ingen skola if you want to use your account as an individual user without connection to school.
    • Click on Lägg till produkt, choose Extramaterial, and go to STEP 3 below for instructions on how to add additional resources (Extramaterial) to your account.


    B) If your teacher wants to see your progress, you will need to be connected to the same school as your teacher is connected to. In order to do that, your teacher needs to:

    • Alternative 1: Add your email address to the school register in Administration.
    • Alternative 2: Give you a school code (åtkomstkod) that you can fill in by clicking Anslut till skola when you have logged in. By filling in the code that your teacher generates and sends to you, you will be connected to the school. Click Anslut when you have filled in the code.


      You can also find the school connection button (Anslut till skola) in your profile (Mitt konto). Click on your initials up in the menu to access your profile.


    Teacher instructions (in Swedish) for adding students: Administrera och registrera elever och klasser

    STEP 2: Log in (start here if you already have an account)

    1. Go to
    2. Click on Logga in which will lead you to the login page.
    3. Fill in your email address in the first field Användarnamn and your password in the next one, Lösenord.
    4. Click on the button Logga in.
    5. If you don't remember your password, click on Glömt lösenordet?. Fill in your email address and click on Skicka. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.


    After logging in, you will arrive to your starting page at NOKportalen where you will find your digital textbooks or other digital resources if you have any. You will also see your school's name under your own name if you are connected to a school.


    STEP 3: Find and add additional resources (Extramaterial) to your account 

    1. Click on Lägg till produkt on your starting page and choose Extramaterial (or in some cases Produkter eller extramaterial) to find additional resources.
      PrivatElev_Lägg_till extram_mar-24.jpg

    2. You will get a pop-up window (see the image below) where you can see products that are available for you to add to your account, including additional resources (Extramaterial). Make sure the box Visa extramaterial is ticked.
    3. In order to easily find additional resources for Rivstart and other "Swedish for immigrants" products, tick the box SFI in the filter menus. You can also search for specific products in the field Sök produkt eller extramaterial.
    4. When you find the additional resources you want to use, click on Lägg till below the resource name. By doing this, you have added the product on your starting page and will easily find it there going forward.

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